Stories Poem by Valerie Dohren


Rating: 5.0

There are many stories to tell
but they die in the telling …

Voices tremble
and words falter.

Eyes close
on the reality they conceal.

No-one will ever know
these stories -

they remain untold.

The pain is too immense

so they die

in the telling.

Danny Draper 25 October 2013

The sadness and melancholy is palpable, and yet this sensitive and insightful piece deftly and beautifully shows the truth of loss and the stories end and untold. Beautiful, thank you.

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David Wood 26 October 2013

When I visit my wife's grave I look at all the other headstones thinking of all the life's stories they could tell.

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Lyn Paul 27 October 2013

Very beautiful but sad. Coincidental too as I have just visited the cemetery. I was coming to your page to warn you of my Tombstone words incase they offended you. The way you have set these words explains well. The cemetery really is one of my favourite places. Thank you

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Unwritten Soul 27 October 2013

Killing in beautiful action....this write is dangerous, , hahahaha_Soul

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Marvin Brato 28 October 2013

Poets may die writing, but poems they compost shall live forever!

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Sad stories written with the ink of nondisclosure on the canvass of the heart.

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Paul Brookes 17 November 2013

Mute the stones and sad the tales that die unsaid A lovely poem of sad beauty. BB: O)

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Valsa George 06 November 2013

When heart is full, words are few! Succinctly and poignantly put! !

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Smoky Hoss 03 November 2013

You've touched deep places in the heart here. Amazing.

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Tirupathi Chandrupatla 29 October 2013

Many untold stories. That seems to be the secret of life. Beautiful poem. Thank you.

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