Vincent Van Gogh 65 - Kay Stunned Poem by Geeta Radhakrishna Menon

Vincent Van Gogh 65 - Kay Stunned

Rating: 5.0

For those in love,
Love could be a fairy tale story!
A sensational culmination
Of passionate and exuberant feelings.
But this fairy tale ending happens only,
If both love each other in equal measure.
Otherwise, it is a sad tale of disappointment
And utter disillusionment.

The daily walks to the woods with Kay
Developed many tender feelings for Vincent.
He realised, he loved Kay very deeply.
Not just her beauty or brains alone,
But he loved her entire being.
He aspired to make Kay his wife,
Have a home of his own with her
And lead a happy life, with children too,

But all this was Vincent's dream!
Day and night, he imagined a blissful married life.
But he bottled up all his desires and dreams
And kept them hidden, locked in his heart.
Many a times, he wanted to open up
And tell Kay, his true feelings.
He longed to embrace and kiss her,
And forget all about the mundane things of life.

On a sunny day, Vicent had completed sketching diggers,
Then, sat with Kay and Jan near a brook,
To have their lunch under the shade of an elm tree.
When the young Jan dozed off to sleep on the grass,
Vincent knelt down beside Kay to show her his paintings.
He was bursting to express his feelings to her.
Suddenly, he caught hold of her, rather fiercely, and
Poured out like a stormy rain, torrent of passionate words.

Kay was stunned. She had never expected such a situation.
She was horrified by his outpourings and sat petrified.
Vincent continued his passionate speech,
Unaware of Kay's reaction or repulsion.
At last, she raised her hand, and angrily
Screamed out: 'No, never, never! '
She wrenched herself free from Vincent's grasp,
Picked up her sleeping son from the grass, in hurry,
Ran, terror stricken, as fast as possible.

A Biographical Poem

Vincent Van Gogh 65 -  Kay Stunned
Wednesday, April 5, 2023
Topic(s) of this poem: story,true,art,bittersweet love
These poems are biographical poems on the famed painter- Vincent Van Gogh. All information on Vincent Van Gogh is taken and is based on two great books - ‘Lust for life' & ‘Dear Theo' - a biography and an autobiography respectively, penned by the famed American Author - Irving Stone. Dear friends and Poets, Thank you so much for reading this series on Vincent Van Gogh's life. I am ever grateful to all the poets who are reading these poems. I do hope you will continue to read them. Ever obliged for your kind comments. This is an episode on his return from The Hague, when he met his cousin Kay, once again. A day out with Kay and her son Jay and its outcome of a sudden outburst of Vincent. Vincent's hopes and desires after he spent few days with Kay, during his trips to the fields for painting. Vincent Van Gogh Painting - 1887, corn field, sky, wind and a bird flying
Anil Kumar Panda 05 April 2023

Wow! ! It is very interesting. Loving it. Thanks.

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LeeAnn Azzopardi 06 April 2023

Lovin' it Greeta Bravo! ! !

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Chinedu Dike 06 August 2024

A wonderful portrait of Van Gogh's life in words

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Rajnish Manga 08 April 2023

'He imagined a blissful married life (with Kay) ' but his passion was received with a sense of horror and repulsion. It was so devastating for young Vincent. Commendable portrayal.

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Richard Wlodarski 07 April 2023

Once again, unrequited love happening in the life of this great artist. How much pain and suffering must he endure to finally get the happy life that he truly deserves? Another outstanding write, Geeta!

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Anjandev Roy 06 April 2023

Excellent biographical work......thanks for sharing....

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Pallavi Tripathi 06 April 2023

When I first saw Kay, I thought it would be The Godfather ending but it was the reverse, really great.

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