When I feel there is no hope
And begin to feel I shall not cope
I reach up to the bookshelf to find
Something to read to ease my mind
And nine times out of ten what happens
Is your hand takes mine within seconds
Reaching for a little book to remind me
When I needed you most you did not leave me
tia, beautiful poem... you remind us the power of words and divinity... thanks *10****
its little and beautiful poem with nicely penned rhymes.....10
excellent rhyme and rhythm.. yea, book has power to ease mind 10++++++
A very enjoyable write, reading it made me happy, thank you for sharing it, Tia.
this is so beautiful...the book calling to you and making sure you find it...sometimes when we're searching for something we can't find it, but when we're ready it finds us, one way or another...
Such simplicity as in just reading a book, yet such depth in this piece. As an avid reader I can relate. This was /is a pleasure to read.
Ah yes-Some things we take for granted such as owning or obtaining a book to read. Or the ability to write or read. Ableto walk or see or hear. Education is nothing more than a privilidge and sometimes not even a right. The only thing that i can recommend in life is read as much as you can. If you cannot afford, i urge people to go to your library and borrowa book to read. God bless all poets and those who want to and can read-MJG.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Nice little poem......! ! !