A Translation: ' Parabola ' (A Poem By Richard Wilbur) Poem by Fabrizio Frosini

A Translation: ' Parabola ' (A Poem By Richard Wilbur)

[This is my Italian translation of the poem 'Parable' by Richard Wilbur
http: //www.poemhunter.com/poem/parable/]


Ho letto come Chisciotte nel suo girovagare casuale
Giunse un giorno ad un incrocio, e per non offendere
La sorte, non avrebbe deciso quale

Direzione prendere, lasciando tale scelta al suo cavallo.
Perché la gloria si posa ovunque giri il mito.
La sua testa era leggera per l'orgoglio, gli zoccoli del suo cavallo

Pesanti, così puntò verso la stalla.

[mia traduzione della poesia di Richard Wilbur - vedi il testo originale qui sotto - my translation of Richard Wilbur's poem - see the original text below: ]


'Parable' - Poem by Richard Wilbur

I read how Quixote in his random ride
Came to a crossing once, and lest he lose
The purity of chance, would not decide

Whither to fare, but wished his horse to choose.
For glory lay wherever turned the fable.
His head was light with pride, his horse's shoes

Were heavy, and he headed for the stable.

(Richard Wilbur)
http: //www.poemhunter.com/poem/parable/

A Translation: ' Parabola ' (A Poem By Richard Wilbur)
This is a translation of the poem Parable by Richard Wilbur
Friday, January 1, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: choice,horse
[This is my Italian translation of the poem 'Parable' by Richard Wilbur
http: //www.poemhunter.com/poem/parable/]
Fabrizio Frosini 01 January 2016

choosing, means to be responsible of your action.. ;)

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Tom Billsborough 25 July 2016

Sounds like a horse I used to ride. It liked lush fields. Hard to get its head up! Loved both the italian and English translations. Tom Billsborough

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Fabrizio Frosini 26 July 2016

:) thanks for visiting and commenting, dear Tom

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Rajesh Thankappan 23 January 2016

I have read Don Quixote and his hilarious forays in search of adventures with the intend of doing good. Good work.

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Fabrizio Frosini 23 January 2016

yes, the great ''El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha'' ('The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha') , Cervantes's masterpiece.. Thank you, Rajesh

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Edward Kofi Louis 10 January 2016

The horse's shoes; to measure the ways of life. Nice work.

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Fabrizio Frosini 23 January 2016

thank you so much, Edward

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Fabrizio Frosini 01 January 2016

oh.. almost forgot.. dear Kumarmani, 'naya saal mubarak' - Happy 2016! :)

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Kumarmani Mahakul 01 January 2016

'Parable' by Richard Wilbur is very interestingly translated by you. This definitely brings wise direction in poem translation. For glory lay wherever turned the fable. Very amazing poem shared really.10

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Fabrizio Frosini 01 January 2016

wow.. so fast! you've written your comment just a few minutes after I posted it... :) Thank you, dear Kumarmani.

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