Youth brings passion
of the way
beyond destination
just to play
I would dive
when it storm
for a pearl
in some charm
and it was later...
I came to know that...
I could sink!
that was PINK! !
I was lone...
I was half
the moment came...
I did laugh
and my heart...
cool in wine
a hand softly
held mine
when I saw...
that was you!
my life GREY...
turned BLUE!
Keeping hearts in their hands
thoughts creeping on their foreheads
tongues dried...
eyes narrowed...
they had travelled...
millions centuries
to this hell!
wishless creatures...
He who travels...
he will breathe!
He who stops...
a dagger will be
in his back...
this is BLACK! !
O dear listener!
O dear fellow!
O dear reader!
O dear me!
Let's feel...
let's listen...
when there is silence
... no one speaks!
and let's give
the way to roots
may this pale...
... love GREEN!
hi Ali u went rt through the rainbow....and painted a huge canvas in giant strokes great writing cheers
Dear Ali, This is a really good poem linking colours with life in its various exposition. All colours added together is White and absense of all colours make it Black. Without a really large White canvas you coudn't have made this large picture with giant and fine strokes.The only colour missing in your cavas is Red which is now covering most of the land, the Earth is having, through Terrorism, economic and political wars.The choice of words, presentation of imagery and overall the poem is thought provoking. Thanks for sharing A-10- from me -Rajkumar
beautiful write.......and at the end turning green.........fantastic write............my ten is there......
I really admire the tonal shifts in this work, - - from that which was youthful optimism and playfulness to some grim realizations. Part of growing up, perhaps an inevitable part, is a loss of innocence. This gem goes right to myfavourites.
And it was later I came to know that I could sink! This is what passion of youth is...... great poem! It is refreshing to experience such wonderful thoughts and imagery through poetry.
A profound work. It's interesting to see life through the spectrum of colors. Green symbolises hope n the way forward. Enjoyed reading.
Spectrum is your skin color, the same colour when you speak and write...A beautiful work..really nice Ali
a rainbow of life's journey.....................but green is that takes you forward with hope...........may u stay so...
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Reading and re-reading I am still trying to find out the entire beauty of the verse.