I Am Me! Poem by Siyabonga A Nxumalo

I Am Me!

Rating: 4.8

I am unique, an irreplaceable human being.
The first me and the last.
I am God's creature, no one will ever replace me.

I'm not wealthy but guess what, i'm happy because God takes care of me.
You may hate me, but it makes no difference to my life because
You are not my Maker and you were not there when He creates me.

I am me,
Irreplaceable me,
Just me,
And original me....

To you i'm useless, but to God and my family i'm so special.
You think i'm a coward , but no i'm intrepid.
You think i'm a looser, but no i'm a winner.
To you i'm a sour-heart but to my friends and family i'm a sweetheart.
To you i'm cheap but to Jesus i'm expensive because He bought me with His blood.
To you i'm the ugly duckling, but to God and my family i'm precious.

I may not be handsome, but God is still working on that...
I may not have everything i want, but i have a loving family and friends...
I may be a fool to you, but to my family i'm a loving and caring family member.
You may think i'm selfish, but to my friends i'm a friend indeed.
You may think i'm a moron, but to my family and friends i'm intelligent.

I am me,
Irreplaceable me,
Just me,
And original me....

You may try to sabotage me, but it won't work because my friends and family cheer me up.
You may think i'm a foreigner in my own country,
But to my community i'm a fellow South African,
And to the world, the fellow citizen of the world..

You may malign me, but my family and friends will always adore me.
You may call me a barbarian, but no i'm being indigenous.

I am me,
Irreplaceable me,
Just me,
And original me....

So keep your ten cent worth thoughts and opinions to yourself.
Because i don't need them.
And give me the credit i deserve, congratulate me when its needed.
And what ever you think of me, i don't care,
Because i won't change my lifestyle just to please YOU!

Get used to the fact that i'm in control of my life and i'm FINE.
Know that i'm unique beacause,
I am me,
Irreplaceable me,
Just me,
And original me...

Thats who I am...
Down to earth, , but
JUST ME.....

Jinal Oswal 13 December 2011

Wonderful spirit.... I am so proud, reading your poem... I got some, some kind of strength... Kind, I am ME.... I don't care what the world thinks about me because I am God's special child... Wow! ! you are amazing... Lovely write :) Keep up the good work :)

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Jessica Workman 28 December 2011

Very great poem! I love it.

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Ernest Makuakua 30 December 2011

You are yourself and stay the way you are Being you Yourself Good one

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(De Va) 10 January 2012

so inspirational for all...you are so amazing in your insight into the reality that so many miss....as we allow others to dictate our worth...you are so right...you are who you are and there is no need to apologize for that...blessings...

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Jacqui Broad 02 December 2011

You are on the right path, brother! I'm speechless by your words. A very great, no, truly beautiful poem! Wow... We share the same sentiment. I am what I am, and if you don't like it, get out of the way. A great life philosophy you've written down! Hats off to you.

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Sixolile Makumsha 08 March 2022

Nto kaNxumalo ntinga ntaka ndini uyakunqandwa zinkwenkwezi, mhle kwaye uyancomeka umhlebenzi wosiba lwakho I'M ME so I won't pretend to be another

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Tracy Craighead 07 February 2016

So powerful! I really needed to read this poem today, God is my ultimate judge, I answer to no one else

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Meshileya israel 01 February 2014

You left me with no other option than to WOW! ! ! ! ! ! :)

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Phiwe Mbatha 17 June 2013

Kuyadina nje ukuzenza omunye umuntu ngoba ugcina uxakekile ngoba awumazi lomuntu ozenza yena ukuthi uphumaphi futhi uyaphi.

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Victoria Gauci 26 January 2012

Outstanding Siyabonga! I think you're wonderful!

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