Looking In The Mirror Poem by Aqua Flower

Looking In The Mirror

Rating: 5.0

I look in the mirror once
I look in the mirror twice
sometimes I see ugly
but sometimes I see nice
I'm so confused
could it be that my eyes deceive
or could it be what I want to believe
my mind is always tricking me
I see a closed door...... but wait
another one is an open gate
Will it ever be revealed
what is the truth and what is real
will I ever be able to tell
the difference between real and just a spell
the mirror often lies
and I keep wondering why

Copyright @ Aqua Flower

Monday, November 30, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: identity,image,mirror,self image
Mahtab Bangalee 30 November 2020


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Bernard F. Asuncion 01 December 2020

A well crafted poem....... Truly brilliant and poetic....5 stars *****

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Bri Edwards 19 June 2021

A. F., see an ophthalmologist and a neurologist AND 'get a new mirror'! ! ! ;) bri

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Rebecca Navarre 12 December 2020

Searching for the truth. Excellently expressed! .. Just look to the Heavenly Father to lead and much beauty around you I'm sure you'll see, and then in heart I'm sure you'll find, much beauty inside as well! .. Thank you for sharing this! .. Definite 5 Stars +++++...........

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Aqua Flower 16 December 2020

Rebecca, what a lovely comment. And yes, I agree with your comment. Thanks so much for reading!

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Yiyan Han 09 December 2020

The decent mirror won't lie, and it's heart that does - to me this makes sense ;) Human mood swings.

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Carl Roussell 08 December 2020

Excellent philosophical poem - may your mirror one day reflect the way you want to be seen! !

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Kostas Lagos 01 December 2020

It is not the mirror...it is the eyes...Excellent poem!

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Aqua Flower 16 December 2020

Thank you for always commenting on my poems!

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