Vincent Van Gogh 19 - In Black Pit Poem by Geeta Radhakrishna Menon

Vincent Van Gogh 19 - In Black Pit

Rating: 4.8

The life of a miner anywhere in the world is pathetic,
Most of their lives, they live in darkness!
Deep down in the mine, it is dark, black and suffocating.
The air around them is full of coal dust and poisonous gas.
The miners can hardly breathe!
When they carry the coal inside the dark mine,
They can hardly stand straight, they crouch and crawl,
Bend on their knees and doubled into two.
Young children of eight or nine years work in the mine,
When they reach the age of twenty, they all have lung ailments.
If they are not killed by mine accidents or explosions,
They may live up to maximum forty years - not more!

Living in coal valley, among the miners,
Vincent's heart melted with compassion.
Most miners were uneducated and ignorant.
Though they could not read, they were intelligent,
Brave, frank, efficient and good at their work.
Unfortunately, they were poverty stricken,
Under nourished, thin, pale and emaciated.
Each day, Vincent visited them with whatever he had.
Some bread or milk, a cover or a warm pair of socks.
When typhoid and other diseases spread in the miner's village.
Many became bedridden, weak and miserable.
Vincent made it a point to reach out to each one of them.

To his brother Theo he wrote:
' I have just visited a little old mother
In a charcoal -burner's family.
She is very ill, but patient and full of faith.
I read a chapter with her and prayed with them all.
People here are rather characteristic in their simplicity
And good nature. Like the Brabant people at Zundert & Etten.
One has a home like feeling here.
Those who go away are homesick for the country,
And on the other hand, the foreigners who are homesick
Might learn to feel at home. If with God's blessing,
I get a permanent appointment here, I shall be very, very happy.'

A Biographical Poem

Thursday, July 7, 2022
Topic(s) of this poem: true,story,personality,artistic work,life,sad,miners
This poem is a biographical poem on the famed painter- Vincent Van Gogh. All information on Vincent Van Gogh is taken and is based on two great books - ‘Lust for life' & ‘Dear Theo' - a biography and an autobiography respectively, penned by the famed American Author - Irving Stone. Dear friends, this is a chapter that moved me a lot. Heart rending, difficult lives of miners.
Ramesh T A 07 July 2022

A great example of real social worker is well expressed in this poetic narration by friend, Geeta! !

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LeeAnn Azzopardi 07 July 2022

Bravo! you captured the essence of Vincent's suffering

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Vrinda 07 July 2022

Van Gogh in Black country, good poem.

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Anil Kumar Panda 07 July 2022

Being a coal miner I have seen their lives closely. Nothing better now a days. Nice write.

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Rajnish Manga 07 July 2022

The poem gives an insider's view of a miner's life and the inhuman working conditions.

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Chinedu Dike 02 August 2024

Vincent's love for humanity is clearly seen in this very piece

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Richard Wlodarski 11 July 2022

Geeta, you have emphatically expressed the genuine empathy of this great artist and God's gift to humanity. Such humans are a true inspiration to all of us. As I was reading your poem, I was thinking of my father who had been a coal miner in France. It brought tears to mine eyes. France

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Avy 09 July 2022

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Avy 08 July 2022

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The real personality of Vincent Van Gogh comes to light not in the face of his personal tragedies, but when faced the unbearable misery of others. Here, the mine workers. Most skilfully Geetahas narrated this chapter. How his letter to Theo stands in evidence. Great poem top score

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