Vincent Van Gogh 34 - Apathy & Emptiness Poem by Geeta Radhakrishna Menon

Vincent Van Gogh 34 - Apathy & Emptiness

Rating: 5.0

The autumn flirted around
With a breezy, crazy dance,
Then, flitted away with a twirl,
Like the yellow, orange leaves
Of autumn, far, far away!

As winter entered with diffident steps,
Vincent stepped out of the world of books!
He could no longer read books, to escape
From his deep inner anguish and sorrow.
He knew he had reached the lowest ebb.
Letters from his father and brother
Became fewer and fewer.
If at all, there was a letter,
It described him as an ‘idler'
Wasting his time and life, doing nothing!

But a small voice from the core of Vincent's heart
Refused to believe that his existence was useless.
He still could be a valuable member of the society,
Could contribute to the world's beauty of life.
Unfortunately, he was stunned with the past events.
Now, he had recovered physically, but still,
Emotionally, he needed to get a grip over himself.
He had tried many vocations, from a salesman
In an art shop, to a teacher and even a preacher.
Everything ended with pain, suffering and failure!

When you feel down in the dumps,
Enveloped by inabilities and inadequacies,
When you feel completely worn out,
With absolute apathy and emptiness,
That's when the cosmic power lifts you up!

A Biographical Poem!

Thursday, October 27, 2022
Topic(s) of this poem: personality,life,true,story,emptiness,sorrow
This poem is a biographical poem on the famed painter- Vincent Van Gogh. All information on Vincent Van Gogh is taken and is based on two great books - ‘Lust for life' & ‘Dear Theo' - a biography and an autobiography respectively, penned by the famed American Author - Irving Stone. Dear friends and Poets, Thank you so much for reading this series on Vincent Van Gogh's life. I am ever grateful to all the poets who are reading these poems. I do hope you will continue to read them. Ever obliged for your kind comments.

This episode sites another turn in the life of Van Gogh, " That's when the cosmic power lifts you up"

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Chinedu Dike 05 August 2024

Thank you for your contributions to the world of poetry

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Richard Wlodarski 01 November 2022

This great human being had done so much to help his fellow human beings. He had suffered so much. And now he has to suffer through the humiliation of those derogatory letters? Your last stanza is a testament to God. And an incredibly suspenseful build-up to your next poem. What a masterpiece!

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Dr Dillip K Swain 29 October 2022

I have nothing to add to the meticulous remarks of poetess Nosheen. You endevear to sketch the biography of such a great person is commendable dear madam. I have already taken this beautiful write to my favourite with top score.

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Nosheen Irfan 28 October 2022

I simply love this biographical series. To know that a great artist suffered so much during his life but he carried on to achieve greatness is certainly a tale of courage, motivation and strength. Kudos!

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LeeAnn Azzopardi 27 October 2022

Thank you Geeta and thank you Vincent

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