Amber Piercy

Amber Piercy Poems

Life is for the birds

I feel like I'm slowly being torn apart
Like a flock of vultures are fighting over my flesh

Long road

Beep beep beep
The sound of the monitors wake me from my sleep


You design triangles with my hands
Throw fire on my sand

Taste of victory

When the moon is shining and the stars are full
Let's lie in the grass and smoke a bowl

To Suffocate

If I could turn back the time when clock's stopped
I feel like I'd be able to put the pieces back together like I was on top


The smell of disinfectant brings me out of my reverie
I watch poppa as he slowly counts each bead on the rosary


When love leaves you blind.
Do you run away?

The Becoming

There's nothing like rain on an old tin roof
That can stir up the smallest truth

You're Not Just Another Love Song

To me, you're not just another love song
You are the first inhale of the day

The Abandoned City

Prompt: The Dust Settles In The Cracks!

The Beginning

Butterfly wings beat against the window pane
Only silence follows the sound of the rain

As long as you got me

When love was like a dagger you spoke to me
Only words that I could possibly know

A Lizards' Tail

Hi I'm a lizard named Sam and I live in a tree
And every year a million people come from around the world to see me

Timeless love

Love is

To Fall

In my mind I see you
A different kind of human

Devils Pot

I bend Beautiful lyrics
Just like the way a soul is sold

In Trouble Again

I look through the water and it's crystal clear this time of year
I am swimming down by the catfish Pier

The Waltz

The road is made of glass
The limelight it pulls you in

Impulsive Reaction

Prompt: A Hat-Box Becomes A Stash-Box Or Does It?

Chasing Saturn

Prompt: Let's Slide Down Saturn's Rings!

Amber Piercy Biography

I enjoy reading all different kinds of materials from fan fiction to comic books to Stephen king. I just love reading. I also love writing poetry it is not only my vent in life it is also my passion. I have found writing to be the most benificial way for me to express myself and to express my feelings out loud instead of bottling them up. So please leave me some feedback and I will do like wise. Thank you everyone and please enjoy.)

The Best Poem Of Amber Piercy

Iife Is For The Birds

Life is for the birds

I feel like I'm slowly being torn apart
Like a flock of vultures are fighting over my flesh
Honestly I don't even know where to start
I just feel like I need something fresh
I can't live my own life without these birds
Everywhere I go I see their feathers
They make me angry beyond words
They pluck at my body through any weather
I want to be free to live my own life
With out all these crows everywhere
I want to scream at them with a butcher knife
And tell them to stop making the game unfair
The birds follow my every move
They stock my every decision
Like a key fitting into a groove
You have to turn the tumbler with precision
There little beady eyes watch me
So cold and dead inside
I beat my wings trying to get free
I duck and dodge and try to hide
But the birds bring me one thing
Complete darkness

A.D. Small
August 17,2021

Amber Piercy Comments

Amber Piercy 11 July 2022

Thank you very much friend

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Geeta Radhakrishna Menon 02 August 2022

Hello Amber, I just read your poem - The Long Road. Beautifully penned......10

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Amber Piercy 05 August 2022

Sister. But i painted this trilogy as being the family i wish i had i suppose.

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Amber Piercy 05 August 2022

You are welcome for sure it was a very well written piece. Oh this poem is actually the third poem out of a set of 4 they are fiction girl. I do however have 4 older brother an one older si

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Geeta Radhakrishna Menon 02 August 2022

God bless you Amber. Thank you for reading my poem on Vincent Van Gogh.

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Geeta Radhakrishna Menon 02 August 2022

With prayers for your mother. May she recover soon. You are a good daughter to your dear parents.

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Geeta Radhakrishna Menon 02 August 2022

I was surprised to know that your Dad works at the mines. How hard it must be for him. May God protect him.

0 0 Reply

Amber Piercy Quotes

Sometimes in life you just don't run through another man's corn field.

Raise Hell Eat Cornbread

Life is what you make it! ! ! !

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Love who you are and stay true to yourself.

Be the light you want to see in someone else's dark room.

The grass is always greener on the other side....

Phantoms are fingerprints of the soul.

Live, love, laugh and eat lots of tacos! ! !

Memories are just ghosts that haunt your mind

There's nothing like rain on an old tin roof.

Disney said....To infinity and beyond

I love you to the moon and back

Love is the frequency of magic! ! ! !

Some people only hate you because of the way other people love you.

You should not have to rip yourself into pieces to keep others whole.

The work we do on ourselves become our gift to everyone else.

People swear they're fighting demons when the whole time they're fighting the consequences of there choices.

Anger lies in demon's castles

You can't beat facts not even with a stick! ! !

Indeed said the bag of weed to the lonely stoner on the hill! ! ! !

Let's beat it like a Cherokee drum.

Let's beat it like an egg in a pan.

Let's beat it like a Michael Jackson song.

Ain't nothing like a spring morning! ! !

If life gives you lemons make cornbread.

That's more legit than Tony the Tiger's addiction to Frosted Flakes.

I'm too blessed to be stressed.

Let's beat it like a wet newspaper.

I got the skills that pay the bills.

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