Vincent Van Gogh 26 - A Quick Decision! Poem by Geeta Radhakrishna Menon

Vincent Van Gogh 26 - A Quick Decision!

Rating: 5.0

Vincent had to take a quick decision!
He should either run away from the Borinage,
Or stay in Borinage and live like the miners,
To serve the miners, not just by preaching alone,
But by becoming a miner himself.
That was the proper way to serve God!
How could he live in luxury in Madam Denis's house,
When the poor miners were suffering without enough food?

Vincent packed up his clothes, shoes, books,
And prints, put them all together in a carry bag, then,
He ran out in a hurry to look for a place near the miners.
He found a place just for five francs a month.
It was the most wretched shack in the whole of Borinage.
He took it, in spite of Madame Denis's plea, not to make
A hasty decision. She asserted that he was not cut out for it.
But Vincent was firm. He moved into this pathetic shack.

Vincent was now, satisfied with his decision,
Though his little hut was full of cracks and knotholes.
But he had the satisfaction that he was now living,
A life identical to the miners. He was one of them!
He managed his life, more so, the lives of the miners,
With his salary, mostly spent for their welfare.
His heart flowed with concern and compassion,
He had no right to live well, if the miners could not!

February month was a terrible month,
When icy wind blew and swept the valley.
It was impossible to walk on the streets.
Vincent stopped teaching the children,
As they looked blue, shrunken with bitter cold.
Instead, he went up the Marcasse mountain
To collect coal, braving the cold wind and chill,
And distribute coal to the miserable miners.

Vincent's face had turned black with coal dust.
Any one visiting Borinage at that point of time,
Would never have recognized Vincent Van Gogh.
He looked like any other miner, dark and worn out,
As they referred to the miners as a - blackjaw!
The blue skin of his hands got torn by the icy rock.
Yet, he was a resolute man, with steel like determination,
Ready to face the odds with courage, drive and commitment.

A Biographical poem

Vincent Van Gogh 26 -  A Quick Decision!
Wednesday, August 17, 2022
Topic(s) of this poem: life,true,story,personality,poverty,miners
This poem is a biographical poem on the famed painter- Vincent Van Gogh. All information on Vincent Van Gogh is taken and is based on two great books - ‘Lust for life' & ‘Dear Theo' - a biography and an autobiography respectively, penned by the famed American Author - Irving Stone. A moving story of the miners that will touch every compassionate heart. The life of a miner is so hard and depressing. Writing these poems on the miners, I was really moved to tears. I can imagine what Vincent felt. It also shows the determination and will power that Vincent possessed
Nabakishore Dash 18 August 2022

What a hard life he adopted.your narration is as enjoying as the previous ones Madam men.

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Ramesh T A 19 August 2022

Real selfless service to humanity!

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M.J. Lemon 23 August 2022

Amazing verse, amazing biographical work. This goes to myfavourites, Geeta.

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Chinedu Dike 04 August 2024

A most intriguing story told with clarity deep insight

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Richard Wlodarski 25 August 2022

Truly inspirational and motivational. Whenever apathy sets in, I shall destroy it with the power of this poem and the whole series! Continued success, Geeta!

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It's really a great tribute to such a great person.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 23 August 2022

From this period his painting 'De Aardappeleters' existed. Truly great beauty shines in your words, my dearesrt friend Dr. Geeta, you have patient with words, truly a Beauty of a Poem

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Sylvia Frances Chan 23 August 2022

WOW! Any BIO poem you created are constantly so precise, precious and..........amazing! I have enjoyed tremendously, Dr. Geeta.5 Stars TOP Score

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