Vincent Van Gogh 28 - Better Times Are Coming Poem by Geeta Radhakrishna Menon

Vincent Van Gogh 28 - Better Times Are Coming

Rating: 5.0

April month arrived
With a glimpse of sunlight,
The black fields became visible,
As the white sheet of snow melted away.
Larks began to sing,
Buds began to sprout in the trees,
An improvement in the weather, alas!
Women of the village began their climb
To the pyramid to get terril
While, Vincent reopened his Salon.

The entire village gathered to hear Vincent's sermon.
They listened to him with rapt attention,
With a gleam of hope and a hint of a smile.
'Better times are coming' cried Vincent exultantly
From his pulpit. ' God has tried you and found you true.
The worst of our suffering is over. The corn will ripen in the fields
And the sun will warm you as you sit before your homes
After a good day's work. The children will run out to follow the lark and gather berries in the woods.
Lift your eyes to God for the good things in life are in store
For you. God is merciful. God is just.'

The miners with their heads lifted up
Looked at their Monsieur Vincent with admiration.
He was their only Messiah, who nursed the whole village,
With much concern for their welfare with deep empathy.
They joined unanimously to offer him thanks.
Cheerful voices reverberated in the hall,
Nodding and affirming Vincent's good words.
'Monsieur Vincent is right.
Our suffering is over. The winter is gone.
Better times are coming.'

A Biographical Poem!

Vincent Van Gogh 28 - Better Times Are Coming
Saturday, September 24, 2022
Topic(s) of this poem: service,personality,life,true,story,miners
This poem is a biographical poem on the famed painter- Vincent Van Gogh. All information on Vincent Van Gogh is taken and is based on two great books - ‘Lust for life' & ‘Dear Theo' - a biography and an autobiography respectively, penned by the famed American Author - Irving Stone. A moving story of the miners that will touch every compassionate heart. The life of a miner is so hard and depressing. Writing these poems on the miners, I was really moved to tears. I can imagine what Vincent felt. It also shows the determination and will power that Vincent possessed. Reviving and continuing the story of Vincent Van Gogh after a month's gap. Dear friends and Poets, hope you will continue to read these poems. Ever obliged for your kind comments.
LeeAnn Azzopardi 24 September 2022

this series is getting better and better

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Nosheen Irfan 25 September 2022

Excellently narrated. This biographical series on the life of Vincent Van Gogh is interesting as well as inspiring. Thanks for sharing!

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M. Asim Nehal 26 September 2022

Yet another wonderful poem of this series. Articulate,5*****

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N N P Parameswaran Nasarudheen 26 September 2022

The final words reminds me of P.B.Shelley.'If Winter comes, can Sping be far behind.'

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Chinedu Dike 04 August 2024

Insightfully brought forth with conviction

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Richard Wlodarski 18 October 2022

I don't know how I fell behind in reading this series, Geeta. But I'm gonna get caught up. Rose Marie has done an exceptional job in conveying my same sentiments.

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 27 September 2022

Another beautiful series, my friend, Dr. Geeta. So well presented, informative and so inspiring. Top Marks and thank you for sharing this informative write.

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 27 September 2022

Liked the second stanza that focuses on the powerful and inspiring words of Van Gogh. So true the noble acts of the great man could touch every compassionate heart.

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 27 September 2022

A beautiful depiction of a man of great character and talent. Very inspiring words that can move a soul to conquer hardships in life. Van Gogh is truly a person of kindness and empathy. A gem of humanity.

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