Would you for me
Sail the seas
And catch the wind
To new freedom
Would you for me
Teach me 'bout life
And show such Love
Make God smile
Would you for me
Taste the tasteless
Food for such thought
That can't be bought
Would you for me
Write for my hand
As it steadies
Itself from nerves
Would you for me
Travel the world
Find culture for me
And make me worldly
Would you for me
Hold me so tight
When pain's killing
And life's dying
Would you for me
Kiss the angels
Guarding us now
And thank One God
Would you for me
This lonely night
Find aloneness
And teach me love
Would you for me
Read Book of Life
Teach me lessons
For survival
Would you for me
Forgive my sins
Start life anew
Thank God for Love
Would you for me
Cry such tears
Of our pain
And this great joy
Would you for me
On such dead night
Find life in me
Kiss me goodbye
Would you for me
Wipe my tears
Of pain and grief
Kiss them for joy
Would you for me
Cleanse me of sin
Ask your Jesus
For love again
Would you for me
Die such sad night
Then be reborn
For killer life
Would you for me
See through blindness
All my damn life
Nothing in sight
Would you for me
Hear tonight
Songs of Heaven
My soul longing
Would you for me
Stop the shivers
Hold me so tight
Make life more kind
Would you for me
Sail the seas
Find safe haven
To save my soul
Would you for me
Reach for the sky
Accept such fame
Remain humble
Would you for me
Defend my war
Fight the battle
Sacrifice life
Would you for me
Always praise God
In your glory
And in your depths
Would you for me
Cry tomorrow
Just laugh today
Keep us happy
Would you for me
Make dreams come true
To live my life
Without nightmares
Would you for me
Wash my bruised feet
Just like Jesus
Forgive my sins
Would you for me
Take my warm heart
Make me understand
The oneness of all
Would you for me
Make me so strong
When I'm so weak
Send me to oneness
Would you for me
Not taste apple
Trust my judgement
Accept One God
Would you for me
Touch holiness
And thank One God
For miracles
Would you for me
Find little time
To console me
In misery
Would you for me
Taste misery
Embrace my love
Die in such peace
Would you for me
Now knowingly
Espouse great wisdom
To humanity
Would you for me
Taste my greatness
Such humbleness
Reach my kind soul
Would you for me
Touch all that's good
Deliver me
From all that's sin
Would you for me
See The White Light
Guide me to God
So heavenly
Would you for me
Savour moment
Taste such great love
And just move on
Would you for me
Taste such great love
That Death would wait
Little longer
Would you for me
Hear deafness
All of my life
Not one damn sound
Would you for me
Taste blood of life
Forgive my sins
Heal Jesus
Would you for me
Dance River Dance
Sing nightingale
Singing all night
Would you for me
Write my life's song
Be satisfied
That we had tried
Would you for me
Find liberty
In our love
And thank One God
Would you for me
Touch mine essence
My Spirit Self
And reach my soul
Would you for me
Smell the fragrance
Of the red rose
On Valentine's