M. Asim Nehal Love Poems

Test Of Love

Senryu ~ 29 (With Love)

Let Spring Come - Love, Love, Love

The seed of love is lying in my heart
the clouds are becoming heavy
the air has become cool and breezy
mountains stands tall and steady

Love Love - Life Life

When love resides in heart
The head makes body to dance
Life enjoys moments
Tic tac tic toe tic tac

Colours Of Love......................

Sometimes I wonder
What should be the colour of love?
Colours like red, blue, green all occupied
Yellow, brown and pink all well defined

Love, Love And Love All Over......

She took away my fears
and opened my heart
like a letter
and found written

Haiku - Spring Of Love

cover of the clouds
opened up for the moonbeam
spring of love in life

On Love

Echo Verse - ♥ I Love You♥

From the sky
Beneath the land
I don't know

Love Will You Be There To Greet Me?

O Love, Your magic touch has made me unique and atypical
I am no more what I used to be.

They say they saved me from drowning -

Tanka ~ Renew Our Love

when brown grass turns green
and nature rejoice in spring
and the flowers bloom
Let us renew our lost love

A Strange Love ~

This night bears testimony,
And waves know anguish, suffering and agitation,
like a child he took a red-petalled rose
and started removing petals one by one,

Senryu ~ Love ♡

deeper than the sea
silent darkness of this earth
my heart floats on waves

Ode To Our Love ❤️

On a full moon night, when the tide is rising
one after the other, like poetry in motion
I feel something in my heart
And my face feels a million kisses.

Sound Of Love ♥♥

Shall I compare your voice with sweet notes of cuckoo?
Or with the voice of nightingale
Or whistle of a parrot
Or drops of water on tin roof

Love And Virus

They say love is pure like 24 carat gold
It can easily be deformed and lose its grip
To accommodate beloved by mending self

Love - Untouched(Bucolic)

Her body is a melting pot
On the silken sheet
with pillow beneath
trying hard to hold spinning head

In Love-Cage ~

O' LOVE you have imprisoned me
with a feeling where I feel nothing,
Other than YOU.

Infinite Love Will Endure Forever.

They say, the human body is born soft and elastic;
and plants and trees are pliant and limber,
but after death, both becomes inflexible and rigid and
I have seen many people with rigid mind and inflexible attitude,

Senryu- A Love Relation

silence between us
two inseparable lives
parallel in love

A Unique Love Story.

He was wearing a Bluetooth headset,
Talking to someone, very dear.
And next to him, a blind girl,
quiet and dejected, silently cursing her life

I See Our Love Sailing ~

In the soft silver moonlight,
When the paper boat merrily drifts,
Sitting under the pine tree,
I see our love sailing.

Offer Me ~ A Cup Of Love

Do not offer me,
A cup of tea or coffee,
When I visit you,
Nor do offer me,

Senryu- Inception Of Love

nature touches heart
with naivety of fragrance
inception of love

Ode To My Love

On the full moon night when the tide rises
And they follow one after another
I feel something in my heart
And my cheek feels million kisses.

Our Love Will Open ~

Silence has an echoing sound tonight
our love shines under a starless sky
you, me, and our sweet memories
will guide us to a new path

Haiku ~ Love....

few ounces of love
will cure any ailing heart
for a moonlit walk

Tanka - Unbroken Sequence Of Love ♥

intense eye meetings
like birds chattering in spring
walk on the bay bridge
under the cluster of stars

To The Queen Of Tragic Love…..

She loved him
With all the passion
she was bestowed with,
surrendered her wishes

I Shall Carry You In My Heart ♥ - Love

Like those flames of the candles
Lambent, plummeting yet shining….

Like those pearls of the shells

Unblemish Love

Her body is a melting pot
On the silken sheet
with pillow beneath
trying hard to hold spinning head

Cinquain- Love

Adoring and caring
In a compassionating way
Completely surrender to their wishes

Senryu ~ Love

Senryu - Trap Of Love

Love,Hate And Life....

Love - blossom in my heart,
fear flee like a dart.
Change, I hope will bring,
a new chapter in my life!

Poem On Love ♥ ♥ ♥

Love is no economics
To find the demand for life
And supply of love
It is no theories with many assumptions.

Orange Love

I saw thy beauty in sunrise
the tangerine charm of sun that delight
and equated your smooth skin to sunset
when the sun is trying to hide

True Love Will Emerge From Life~

Life is a vision of my own treasure that has fallen from the sky.
I sank into a pit of love that was too steep for me to climb,
Now I regret that why did I wish for a life in human form?

Your Love ❤️~ A Moving Mirror

Your body is a moving mirror
It reflects my ledge of shadows
Cling to the moonlight through goblet
Hanging like the droplets.

Haiku ~ Nature Love

two dancing flowers
with the breeze from the heavens
soothing for my eyes

Inequitable Love

No wonder this moon is in love with the earth,
Together, they do the tango dance every night,
Holding the moonbeams these pines leaf shine,
The wave of the sea lifts up erotically,

Love ~ Darkness

The whispering of night
Revealing it's hidden treasures.
Why silver moon is silent tonight?
What it is trying to hide?

Senryu ~ In Love

with passage of time
the madness in love faded
only love remained

Parade Of Love...Until Eternity

The moonlight was falling throughout the night,
the earth was drenched in dewdrops,
two hearts away from the world
beneath the starry horizon

A Love Wrapped In Ecstasy

The separation of fragrance from flowers,
And the separation of drops from clouds,
And the rays coming from the sun,
And beams falling from the moon,

Message Of Love

We say we did it
We say we are doing it
And we say we will do it
But in real sense we are not

Senryu -Covid Love♥

Covid-19 Love Story Series - Part 1

After fifteen long days,
When they came face to face,
His heart was beating million drums,
And the whistle from it played on the ear's cord,

To Love ~❤️

Love thou speak to me sweetly,
And show the gentle caress.
You hold me tight and make me fearless,
And teach me compassion.

Senryu - Ripples Of Love

the ripples emerge
from very depth of my heart
to make my love flow

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