Luo Zhihai

Luo Zhihai Poems

★ Her Eyes

☆ Poetry by Edwin Arlington Robinson

★ Joy and Peace in Believing
☆ by John Newton

Sometimes a light surprises

★ Find Your Voice

☆ Poetry by Theresa Short

Touch One Deeply In The Heart

The wind is soft and the sun is warm
the spring smoke and the green willows

★ Late Swallow

☆ Poetry by Bai Juyi (772-846, Tang Dynasty, China)
☆ Translation by Luo Zhihai (1954-, China)

The Mountain Scenery

The mountain scenery into poetry and painting
The moonlight pierces the apricot curtain

★ After Rain

☆ Poetry by Zeng Jifan [China]
☆ Translation by Luo Zhihai [China]

★ White Poplar Flowers

☆ Poetry by Liu Zongyuan (773-819, Tang Dynasty, China)
☆ Translation by Luo Zhihai (1954-, China)



The Green Mountain And The Flowing Water

The red plum blossoms bloomed in the small spring
The green color dyed the slender willows

A Good Morning

Poem by Mahtab Bangalee [Bangladesh]
Translation by Luo Zhihai [China]

The First Morning After Curfew Lockdown-3

Poem by Sylvia Frances Chan (Netherlands)


Wind combs willows on the shore
Rain moistens plums on the balk

Watch the green grass, quiet mood without worry
Enjoy the orchid flowers, fragrant and free
Hold wine in the plum hill to accompany the moon
Inscription on the wild temple to leave interests

★ Song of Fort

☆ Poetry by Li Qi (690-751, Tang Dynasty, China)
☆ Translation by Luo Zhihai (1954-, China)

★ Spring Thinking

☆ Poetry by Li Bai (701 - 762, Tang Dynasty, China)
☆ Translation by Luo Zhihai (1954 -, China)

Glimpse in the vast sky, billowing autumn light thousands of lis
Gathering smoke in the green field, two or three wretched crying of the cranes
One music of the lotus song, a canoe rowed over the Yellow Sky Lake
Half a bent and cold moon, beautiful se played the Red Litchi Wind

Seldom heart wide and heaven and earth broad
Again add liquor strong and fruits and melons fragrant
Red plums and white snow strengthen the poetic soul
Blue water and green mountains reward the moon goddess

Sounds of willow flute harmonic of birds singing
Flying gulls with great care look for traces of fish
A point of plume heart reflects red of snow
Half a paper of pine ink writes poems pretty

The Melancholy Lovesickness

I keep talking autumn water to express feelings
but also turn the parting mood into wine

Luo Zhihai Biography

I'm a middle school teacher. I'm a member of Music Copyright Society of China. A member of China Audio-Video Copyright Association. A member of China Written Works Copyright Society. Writing poetry, lyrics, music, dialect Translating into Chinese or English. Email-

The Best Poem Of Luo Zhihai

Her Eyes

★ Her Eyes

☆ Poetry by Edwin Arlington Robinson

Up from the street and the crowds that went,
Morning and midnight, to and fro,
Still was the room where his days he spent,
And the stars were bleak, and the nights were slow.

Year after year, with his dream shut fast,
He suffered and strove till his eyes were dim,
For the love that his brushes had earned at last, -
And the whole world rang with the praise of him.

But he cloaked his triumph, and searched, instead,
Till his cheeks were sere and his hairs were gray.
'There are women enough, God knows, ' he said....
'There are stars enough - when the sun's away.'

Then he went back to the same still room
That had held his dream in the long ago,
When he buried his days in a nameless tomb,
And the stars were bleak, and the nights were slow.

And a passionate humor seized him there -
Seized him and held him until there grew
Like life on his canvas, glowing and fair,
A perilous face - and an angel's, too.

Angel and maiden, and all in one, -
All but the eyes. - They were there, but yet
They seemed somehow like a soul half done.
What was the matter? Did God forget? ...

But he wrought them at last with a skill so sure
That her eyes were the eyes of a deathless woman, -
With a gleam of heaven to make them pure,
And a glimmer of hell to make them human.

God never forgets. - And he worships her
There in that same still room of his,
For his wife, and his constant arbiter
Of the world that was and the world that is.

And he wonders yet what her love could be
To punish him after that strife so grim;
But the longer he lives with her eyes to see,
The plainer it all comes back to him.

▲ Chinese Translation

★ 她的双眼

☆ [美国] 埃德温•阿灵顿•鲁滨孙 诗
☆ [中国] 罗志海 译










Beijing time on February 26,2015, Translation

Luo Zhihai Comments

p.a. noushad 18 March 2015

your verses touch my heart

6 1 Reply
Jian Liying 06 July 2015


3 1 Reply
Randhir Kaur 01 August 2016

You are poet of POETS....The best poet of couplets....keep going dear...

2 0 Reply
Mahtab Bangalee 05 January 2020

Z- Zephyr the note of your beautiful expressions H- Hail all poetic reader by wise oblations I- Ink of the wise pen holy than the blood of martyr H- Hug all lyrical and musical rhythm as sagacious teacher A- Absolute poetic nature greets here to enjoy I- Ink of wisdom can give happiness and peace without alloy

0 0 Reply
Mahtab Bangalee 05 January 2020

L- Luo Zhihai from the Shanwei China U- Ubiquitous wise at the age Sixty Six (66) O- Old is gold in his poetic beauty data (O poet I'm the fan from Bangla in your appreciated list)

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Mercedes Cy 20 April 2018

I am enjoying your poems. They touch me.

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Simone Inez Harriman 16 July 2017

Luo your poetry is astounding. Stunningly beautiful poems flow from your pen. You are very gifted.

0 0 Reply
Rajnish Manga 14 November 2016

Luo Zhihai is quite at ease with English as well as Chinese. He is the poet of life and nature, beauty and hope. I loved reading his couplets and other poems and found them gripping and profound in their meaning.

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Luo Zhihai Quotes

Happy New Year! I am a Chinese. I am a poet. I hope the world is peaceful. Everyone is healthy and safe!

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